Andrew Narin is the 4th generation of a family that has been farming by Portreeve, Saskatchewan for the last 100 years. On their farm, they grow a variety of crops: pulses, large green lentils, durum, canola, flax, and field peas.
In 2019, the closest location for them to pick up ACF-SR was a little over two hours away, so the Narin's invested in their own brew set up on the farm.
In year one, the Narin's ran multiple field trials with ACF, with multiple application rates on a variety of crops. They also tried coating their seed in the bacteria blend. It didn't take long for them to notice differences in the treated crops.
Since their first successful brew, the Narin's have provided ACF-SR to neighbouring farmers for seasonal applications and seed treatments. Even in a drought year (2021), the results were very noticeable.
"We weren't looking to necessarily farm more, but get more out of the land we already do farm. The health of our soil is key, and it seemed like ACF was the answer to that." - Andrew Narin
2021 Crop Images

Left treated, right control.

Left treated, right control.

Left treated, right control.
Field Peas (root nodulation)
Seed Treatment
Stay tuned for more data after harvest.