Over the last 2 years, Velocity-Green has performed many successful field trials with our function-focused bacteria on a variety of fruit and vineyard crops. These trials have mostly taken place in southern Ontario and the Okanagan Valley in British Columbia.
Almost all trial results have shown yield, fruit and overall plant quality increases. As a result, many plant stresses associated with the fruit and vegetable industry were reduced during the trials.
This year, we have partnered with the Vineland Research and Innovation Centre to scientifically quantify the effectiveness of our biological products on these crops.
Vineland is recognized as Canada’s leader in horticulture research and innovation. Their mission is to improve the economic viability, sustainability and competitiveness of horticulture in Canada.
Vineland Research Facility - Niagra, Ontario
ACF-SR Research Project
The objective of this particular study with Vineland is to measure the performance of ACF-SR on plant growth, fruit yield and fruit quality in grapes, compared to the vineyard’s regular growing practices.
Research Team
Qinglu Ying: Research Scientist, Plant Production
David Liscombe: Research Scientist, Biochemistry
Rose Buitenhuis: Senior Research Scientist
Biological Control will lead this project at Vineland with support from the Biochemistry and Plant Response to Environment team at Vineland.
Project Details
The following parameters will be evaluated on 10 plants/treatment x 2 treatments:
All data will be analyzed and results will be presented in a final report.
Anticipated Timetable
April 2022: Project planning, experimental design preparation, Pre-application measurement
Oct. 2022: Post application measurements and data analysis
Nov 2022: Final report