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Manderley Turf Case Study

AdvancedAg ACF-SR produced superior results on professional turf at the Manderley Turf Products Test Site near Strathmore, Alberta, Canada.

Manderley Turf conducted a 40-acre turf evaluation of ACF-SR bacteria in an attempt to improve some spots that weren't performing great.

They were blown away to see differences in just 4 weeks, with just a single dosage of 4 gallons/acre.

Fields 33 and 34 (below) were considered identical in turf properties by the agronomists at Manderley Turf at the time of dosing. 

Field 34 is CONTROL, Field 33 is Treated with ACF-SR in the pictures below.

Using drone imagery, it was clear to see the results in just 4 weeks.

"We started working with AdvancedAg in 2019 and had the opportunity to treat 40 acres. we were able to observe the impressive effects of ACF-SR on our treated field. Using these strains of bacteria has shown us that there is a symbiotic relationship between bacteria, soil, and our plants. We are always skeptical of a new product, but AdvancedAg proved to us that their research has been effective for turf."

- Eduardo Barahona Rosales

Production Centre Farm Manger

Manderly Sod

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